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This program trains students in the study of environmental factors, including biological, physical, and chemical factors that affect public health. Students will develop expertise in environmental health or occupational health.


About Environmental & Occupational Health
Environmental and Occupational Health focuses on environmental issues and management that improve public health and minimize adverse human impacts. These impacts of exposure to environmental pollution are the number one public policy issue in the Kingdom of Thailand and several countries. The public, private, and academic sectors are all striving to improve the ability to understand our environments and to protect them. The integrated course consists of Environmental and Occupational Health, Environmental Epidemiology, Exposure Assessment, and Human Impact Assessment. Consequently, the primary goal of the program is to train qualified professionals with expertise in environmental and occupational health. This includes the hazard identification, the recognition of at-risk populations and the prevention of exposure. Many kinds of toxic agents are encountered both in the community and in the workplace, but there are significant differences in the circumstances and magnitude of exposure and, therefore, on the strategies used for controlling exposure and preventing disease. At the CPHS, Master and Doctoral research for the Public Health degree is multidisciplinary and broad, ranging in scope from local to international. Our faculty members are active as advisors on Public Health issues nationally and internationally.