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Curriculum Philosophy for Public Health and Public Health Sciences

Curriculum Philosophy for Public Health and Public Health Sciences

"To develop human resources to be morally literate as well as to promote life-long learning for more capability in responding to the needs and in sustainably helping solve the social problems on public health via quality"

"พัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์ให้มีความรู้คู่คุณธรรม และส่งเสริมการเรียนรู้ตลอดชีวิต มีความสามารถในการตอบสนองความต้องการและแก้ไขปัญหาของสังคมในด้านวิทยาศาสตร์สาธารณสุขอย่างมีคุณภาพและยั่งยืน"

International Curriculum Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Sciences


  1. To develop and produce post-graduate student who can conduct high quality academic research in the field of public health sciences.
  2. To develop and produce the body of knowledge via high quality academic research in the field of public health sciences.


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International Curriculum Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Sciences


  1. To develop and produce post-graduate student who can conduct high quality academic research in the field of public health sciences.
  2. To develop and produce the body of knowledge via high quality academic research in the field of public health sciences.


Curriculum Summary

PHD in Public Health Sciences Curriculum Summary

This in-house, semester-based program aims to develop and produce the body of knowledge in public health sciences via scientifically based researches in one of the 4 areas of interest i.e. Cannabis and Herbal Science, Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences, Workplace hygiene and safety, Innovative health sciences and wellness The students can develop their critical thinking skills through systematic literature reviews and thesis researches. The students can improve their oral and written communication skills via group discussion, conference presentation and manuscript publication.



Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health Sciences) 
Academic Institution: College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University   
Curriculum System: Semester Programme   1st Semester (Aug - Dec) 2nd Semester (Jan - May)
Course Synopsis:

Research-based program:

  • Scheme 1.1 - consists of a total of 48 credits of thesis (For a student who holds a Master degree)
  • Scheme 1.2 – consists of a total of 72 credits of thesis (For a student who holds a Bachelor degree)

Coursework-based program:

  • Scheme 2.1 - consists of core courses 7 credits, elective courses 5 credits, and thesis 36 credits (For a student who holds a Master degree)
Scheme 2.2 -  consists of core courses 12 credits, elective courses 12 credits, and thesis 48 credits (For a student who holds a Bachelor degree)
Field of Interest:

Cannabis and Herbal SciencesChemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences, 

Workplace hygiene and safetyInnovative health sciences and wellness 

 Cannabis and Herbal Sciences  

Cannabis is an addictive and medicinal plant that has long existed in Thai society. In addition, herbal medicines in many countries are used to relieve, cure and treat diseases. Currently, cannabis is being promoted in medical uses which require a system of control, research and innovative development about cannabis to be used for medical uses with high effectiveness.

Knowledge and research in cannabis and herbal sciences are essential for herbal products development. The development of Thai herbal pharmacopoeia is set as a standard for controlling the quality of herbal medicines and is used in a reference for the registration of herbal drugs. This provides consumers with confidence in the quality, efficiency and safety of commercial herbal medicines.

Herbal research with scientific research procedures is critical to improve herbal quality at the laboratory-level, industrial-scale production and the national-level use of herbs. This encourages the expansion of our basic knowledges to increase the potential in competition in the ASEAN community.

 Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences  

Chemical technology is the knowledge related to chemical sciences and multidisciplinary applications. This field is important for science and health sciences in design and development of detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on modern chemical tools and technologies in conjunction with knowledge from various fields. For example, the design and development of bioactive chemicals lead to the development of medicines in the future. Design of chemical probes is used for the study of molecular biology problems. The development of biologics relies on structural modifications of biomolecules using chemical approaches.

In addition, biomolecular technology is a life science that is one of the most important fields in biological sciences in the 21st century. The science of molecular biology in this new era which combines with computer science. It transforms purely lab-based science to information science. Recently, the research of this science can apply a variety of benefits to the country's economic development. For example, benefits in medical uses, genomic information, genomics and proteomics of microbes, plants, animals and humans contribute to new discoveries. This leads to creation of new knowledge which is beneficial to the work of researchers around the world to build on the research with understanding about the mechanism of disease.

  Workplace hygiene and safety  

At present, the economic development of the world is in leaps and bounds. Modern technology has been applied to increase productivity in both industrial and agricultural sectors. Although the use of modern technology is to increase production capacity to meet demand and reduce manpower for lowering the production costs. However, the labors are still necessary to some industrial and agricultural sectors, leading to the consideration of welfare and safety of those labors. The workplace therefore needs an expert with knowledge of safety management in terms of physicality, working environments, dust, chemicals and workers’ health.

The role of hygiene and safety officers in the workplace must be aware of the dangers posed by the operation. Environmental monitoring is carried out to assess potentially dangerous risks as well as proper preventive and control management so that operators are not harmed.

These cognitive are essential to be systematically studied and practiced by experts in each field. Focusing on the whole study of theory in the classroom, laboratory research and education in real-world workplaces, this systematic study is conducted. It complies with the regulations of the Scientific and Technological Professions Council on the profession of science and technology, regulated in both environmental health and occupational health and safety.

 Innovative health sciences and wellness  At present, the health industry, both regional and global, is expanding rapidly. This is because today's global society is fully digitalized. The lifestyle of the people changes with the times. Health-related businesses or activities, caring for the complete happiness of holistic health including physical, emotional, intellectual and social, have become increasingly popular and interested. As a result, public sector, private sector, small entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in large businesses as well as consumers are turning their attention to innovative and wellness products, and services. In addition, herbal pharmaceutical products in many groups are increasing such as Food and Beverage, Vitamins and Supplements, Active Nutrition, Nutrition Technology, Athleisure and Connected Apparel, Sleep, Mental Wellness, Beauty and Personal Care, Travel and Hospitality, Feminine Care, Functional Health and e-Commerce. Therefore, the presence of innovation and health sciences is significant to support the changes in today's society which respond to the health market.


Cannabis and Herbal Science  Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences  Workplace hygiene and safety  Innovative health sciences and wellness 


•  Applicant must have at least a Bachelor’s/ Master  degree in a related field with the GPA higher than 3.0, or 70 % performance (out of 100%), or at least being during the last term of his/her study.

•  Applicant whose English is not first language/ Bachelor's degree was not taught in English/ who is from a country other than New Zealand, USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada has to pass an English language proficiency test according to criteria announced by the Academic Policy Board.

•  The TOEFL, IELTS and CU-TEP (Chulalongkorn University Test of English Proficiency) are the only three English proficiency tests accepted by Chulalongkorn University.
The entrance score and exit score are as follows, TOEFL 550,  IELTS 5.5  CU-TEP 67

Curriculum Plan

PHD in public health curriculum plan

Course Non coursework (credits) Coursework (credits)
Scheme 1.1 Scheme 2.1 Scheme 2.1 Scheme 2.2
Core areas of public health Sciences  -  - 6  6
Compulsory Course for the Major  -  - 3 3
Elective Course  -  - 3 15
Dissertation 48 72 36  48 
Total (credits)  48 72  48 72


Curriculum for the doctor of philosophy in public health Sciences degree

Non coursework (Scheme 1) and Coursework (Scheme 2) seeking the PhDSc  of any majors must complete 48/72 credits of academic course work with an average grade of “GPA 3.00” or better. Courses are three credit hours unless otherwise noted.

A. Core courses (6 Credits)  

5300757 Research Fundamental in Public Health Sciences
5300781 Biostatistics in Public Health Sciences

3 Credits   
3 Credits 

B. Compulsory Courses for the Major (9 Credits) 

Cannabis and Herbal Sciences
5300761 Cannabis Sciences in Public Health Sciences
5300763 Field Study for Public Health Sciences
5300764 Herbal Sciences for Health Research


3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits

Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences
5300766 Chemical Science and Molecular Biology for Better Health 
5300767 Applied Chemical and Molecular Biology Techniques in Public Health Sciences
5300782 Special Problems in Public Health Sciences I 


3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits

Workplace Hygiene and Safety

5300771 Industrial Environmental Health and Safety
5300772 Workplace Health and Safety
5300773 Industrial Pollutions and Human Health
5300774 Chemical Residue and Contaminant Analysis and Testing for Public Health Sciences


3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits

Innovative Health Sciences and Wellness

5300775 Health Science of Well-Being and Management
5300776 International Travel: Preparation Safety & Wellness
5300777 Health and Fitness
5300778 Business and Tourism for Health


3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits

C. Electives Course (6 Credits) 

5300782 Special Problems in Public Health Sciences I

5300783  Special Problems in Public Health Sciences II

5300720 Herb Drug Interaction

5300727 Standardization of Medicinal Plants

5300732 Phytopharmaceuticals

5300733 Aromatherapy and Spa

5300736 Nutraceuticals

5300750 Biomolecular Technology in Malaria

5300751 Application of Medicinal Plant Research I

5300752 Application of Medicinal Plant Research II

5300753 DNA-Based Technology in Medicinal Plant Research

5300754 Analytical Technology in Public Health Sciences

5300755 Applied Molecular Biology Techniques in Public Health Sciences

5300756 Current Research Topics in Biomolecular Technology

5300758 Traditional Medicine in Health Sciences I

5300759 Traditional Medicine in Health Sciences II

5300761 Cannabis Sciences in Public Health Sciences

5300762 Cannabis Sciences and Technology in Public Health Sciences

5300763 Field Study for Public Health Sciences

5300764 Herbal Sciences for Health Research

5300765 Integrative Herbalism for Health Sciences Research

5300766 Chemical Science and Molecular Biology for Better Health 

5300767 Applied Chemical and Molecular Biology Techniques in Public Health Sciences

5300768 Protein Engineering Technology in Health Sciences

5300769 Fundamental Molecular Biology for Public Health Sciences

5300770 Cell Culture Basics for Public Health Sciences

5300771 Industrial Environmental Health and Safety

5300772 Workplace Health and Safety

5300773 Industrial Pollutions and Human Health

5300774 Chemical Residue and Contaminant Analysis and Testing for Public Health Sciences

5300775 Health Science of Well-Being and Management

5300776 International Travel: Preparation Safety & Wellness

5300777 Health and Fitness

5300778 Business and Tourism for Health

5300779 WildFit and Longevity

5300780 Wellness & Hospitality

3 Credits

3 Credits

2 Credits

2 Credits

2 Credits


2 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

D. Dissertation Course (N/A Credits: Depend on Scheme) 

5300826 Dissertation (Scheme 2.1)   
5300828 Dissertation (Scheme 1.1 / 2.2)      
5300830 Dissertation (Scheme1.2)    

36 Credits
48 Credits
72 Credits

E. Seminar Course (N/A Credits: Depend on Scheme) 

5300711 Seminar in Public Health Sciences I  (Scheme 1.2 / 2.2 Only)      
5300712 Seminar in Public Health Sciences II  (Scheme 1.2 / 2.2 Only)     
5300713 Seminar in Public Health Sciences III (All Scheme) 
5300714 Seminar in Public Health Sciences IV (All Scheme)
5300715 Seminar in Public Health Sciences V (All Scheme) 
5300716 Seminar in Public Health Sciences VI (All Scheme)
5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar (All Scheme)

1 Credits
1 Credits
1 Credits
1 Credits
1 Credits
1 Credits
S/U Credits

F. Examination Course (S/U Credits) 

5300897 Qualifying Examination

S/U Credits

Scheme 1.1 Round (Open Semester August & January)
Scheme 2.1 1st Round (Open Semester August)

Scheme 2.1 2nd Round (Open Semester January)





Course Sequence

PHDSC in Public Health Course Sequence

The following course sequences are recommended for students enrolled non course work (Scheme 1.1,1.2) and FULL-TIME course (Scheme 2.1,2.2) in the PhDSc program in Public Health. The course sequences are to be used as a guide, and may be modified to meet individual needs.

* Student must be enroll Qualifying Exam and obtain S result within 3 Semester from the first Semester they enroll in if they are full-time students. (5300897: Qualifying Exam 0 Credits S/U)


Study Plan –

  • Ph.D.Sc. Non coursework Program - Scheme 1.1 
Year 1 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation

5300713 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 3

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 1 - 2nd Semester 

5300828 Dissertation

5300714 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 4

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 2 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation

5300715 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 5

5300897 Qualifying Exam

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 2 - 2nd Semester  

5300828 Dissertation

500716 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 6

Total Credits 

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 3 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits 

9 Credits

S/U Credits 0

9 Credits

Year 3 - 2nd Semester   

5300828 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits 

3 Credits

S/U Credits 0

3 Credits



  • Ph.D.Sc. Non coursework Program - Scheme 1.2
Year 1 - 1st Semester 

5300830 Dissertation

5300711 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 1

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 1 - 2nd Semester 

5300830 Dissertation

5300712 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 2

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 2 - 1st Semester 

5300830 Dissertation

5300713 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 3

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 2 - 2nd Semester  

5300830 Dissertation

55300714 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 4
5300897 Qualifying Exam

Total Credits 

9 Credits

S/U Credits
S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 3 - 1st Semester 

5300830 Dissertation

5300715 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 5

Total Credits 

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 3 - 2nd Semester   

5300830 Dissertation

5300716 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 6

Total Credits 

9 Credits

S/U Credits

10 Credits

Year 4 - 1st Semester   

5300830 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits 0

9 Credits

Year 4 - 2nd Semester   

5300830 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits

9 Credits

S/U Credits 0

9 Credits


  • Ph.D.Sc. Coursework Program Scheme 2.1


Year 1 - 1st Semester 

5300826 Dissertation
5300757 Research Fundamental in Public Health Sciences
5300781 Biostatistics in Public Health Sciences
5300713 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 3

Total Credits

6 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
S/U Credits

13 Credits

Year 1 - 2nd Semester 

5300826 Dissertation
5300714 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 4
5300XXX Compulsory courses (1) - Required to enroll from the list of Major/Branch course
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest

Total Credits

6 Credits
S/U Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits

13 Credits

Year 2 - 1st Semester 

5300826 Dissertation

5300715 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 5

5300897 Qualifying Exam

Total Credits

6 Credits

S/U Credits

S/U Credits

7 Credits

Year 2 - 2nd Semester  

5300826 Dissertation

5300716 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 6

Total Credits 

6 Credits

S/U Credits 

7 Credits

Year 3 - 1st Semester 

5300826 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits 

6 Credits

S/U Credits 0

6 Credits

Year 3 - 2nd Semester   

5300826 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits 

6 Credits

S/U Credits 0

6 Credits



  • Ph.D.Sc. Coursework Program Scheme 2.2
Year 1 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation
5300757 Research Fundamental in Public Health Sciences
5300781 Biostatistics in Public Health Sciences
5300711 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 1

Total Credits

6 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
S/U Credits

14 Credits

Year 1 - 2nd Semester 

5300828 Dissertation
5300XXX Compulsory courses (1) - Required to enroll from the list of Major/Branch course
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest
5300712 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 2

Total Credits

6 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
S/U Credits

15 Credits

Year 2 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest
5300713 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 3

Total Credits

6 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
S/U Credits

15 Credits

Year 2 - 2nd Semester  

5300828 Dissertation
5300XXX Elective Course - Free to enroll by interest
5300714 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 4
5300897 Qualifying Exam

Total Credits 

6 Credits
3 Credits
S/U Credits
S/U Credits

14 Credits

Year 3 - 1st Semester 

5300828 Dissertation

5300715 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 5

Total Credits 

6 Credits

S/U Credits 

7 Credits

Year 3 - 2nd Semester   

5300828 Dissertation

5300716 Seminar in Public Health Sciences 6

Total Credits 

6 Credits

S/U Credits 

7 Credits

Year 4 - 1st Semester   

5300828 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits

6 Credits

S/U Credits 0

6 Credits

Year 4 - 2nd Semester   

5300828 Dissertation

5300894 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar

Total Credits

6 Credits

S/U Credits 0

6 Credits 



Interesting Course

Cannabis and Herbal Sciences

Cannabis in Public Health Sciences

History of medical cannabis, law and regulation, the theory of cannabis uses, cannabinoids, physiological effects, additive and risk behaviors, factors related to cultivation and processing medicinal use 

Cannabis Sciences and Technology in Public Health Sciences

History, law and regulation of medical cannabis, phytochemistry and analytical techniques, factors related to cannabis cultivation, quality control,cannabis based in Thai traditional medicine and economic value, Trends and challenges in cannabis research

Herbal Sciences for Health Research 

Role and importance of medicinal plants and herbs for health promotion and therapy, Basic scientific approach for conducting herbal science research, Quality control for herbal materials and drugs, Medicinal properties and safety of herbal medicine, Biotechnology for medicinal plant research

Integrative Herbalism for Health Sciences Research
Herbal medicine for health and well-being, Medicinal properties of herbs and plants, in vitro and in vivo biological activities of herbs and plants, Integrative herbal medicine research for public health care

 Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences

Chemical Science and Molecular Biology for Better Health

Principles of chemical science and molecular biology for study and research of public health sciences related to health

Applied Chemical and Molecular Biology 
Techniques in Public Health Sciences

Principles of the chemical science and molecular biology techniques applied in public health sciences research 


Protein Engineering Technology in Health Sciences

Principles of protein engineering technology for study and research of health sciences related to chemical and genetic protein modifications, analysis of protein with spectroscopic techniques and applications of biologics

Fundamental Molecular Biology for Public Health Sciences

Structure and function of the cell, biomolecules and their metabolisms, DNA and protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression

Cell culture basics for Public Health Sciences

Principle and basic requirements of cell culture, Biology of culture cells, Good practice in cell culture, Aseptic techniques, Cell subculturing, Cell storage, Types and examples of cell culture experiments, Cell culture applications for public health sciences

 Workplace Hygiene and Safety

Industrial Environmental, Health, and Safety

 Introduce concept of industrial environment and safety e.g. worker and community’s health, study design, exposure and health outcome assessments 

Workplace Health and Safety


Health and safety of worker in the occupational environment, including regulatory agencies, financial and human impact of occupational injuries and illnesses, and workers' compensation


Industrial Pollutions and Human Health


Describe sources of common pollutants in industrial environment, monitoring of the pollutants, impact on the workers’ health, industrial pollution control strategies


Chemical Residue and Contaminant Analysis and 
Testing for Public Health Sciences


Assessment of chemical residue and contaminant in the workplace and biospecimen, reliable and acceptable analytical techniques, laboratory skills,data analysis and reporting

 Innovative Health Sciences and Wellness

Aromatherapy and Spa


Sources and chemical compositions of volatile oils, preparation methods of volatile oils, standardization of herbal drugs and volatile oils, fundamental human anatomy and physiology related to aromatherapy, aromatherapy for health and beauty 


Formulation of Herbal remedies, manufacturing of herbal remedies for public health

Heath Science of Well-Being and Management


Well-being integrates mental health (mind) and physical health (body) resulting in more holistic approaches to disease prevention and health promotion. Provide a common metric that can help policy makers shape and compare the effects of different policies. Measuring, tracking and promoting well-being can be useful for multiple stakeholders involved in disease prevention and health promotion.

International Travel: Preparation, Safety & Wellness

Explores the epidemiology of common morbidity and mortality among travelers. Judges key prevention, safety, and travel medicine principles and wellness. Reviews applicable interventions, appropriate vaccines, and personal protection methods to respond to expected and unexpected situations. Examine International travel health and safety priorities through case studies and discussions.

Health and Fitness

Skills and techniques to engage in regular physical and mental activity to reduce risk of health issues and complications. Create positive changes and improve overall fitness,

Business and Tourism for Health

Learning about business models for medical tourism for health and fit. Such as Business to Customer, Business to Business, and Exporting Brand Presence. And onsite visit to wellness and spa & fitness business for experiences.

WildFit and Longevity

Smart and Sustainable approach to promote a lifetime and longevity of good health and empower people for a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle

Wellness and Hospitality

A study of development of wellness tourism including wellness and hospitality components. This subject covers wellness tourism demand and supply , apart from focusing on types of hospitality business catering to wellness industry. This also highlights wellness service standard and hospitality business management, in addition to factors impacting wellness services;issues; problems; rules and regulations of wellness and hospitality.




Future Carrer

Future Career and Opportunity

Cannabis and Herbal Sciences

CBD Researcher , Instructor @ relate University
Director and Team leader in Ministry & Efficacy of CBD Product

Chemical and Biomolecular Technology in Health Sciences Biomolecular Researcher Instructor @ relate University
Director and Team leader in Ministry  & Efficacy of anti-aging research
 Workplace hygiene and safety Workplace & Healthy Staff Instructor @ relate University
Director and Team leader in Ministry & Rule & practical for Safety research  Contaminate in Workplace  
Innovative health sciences and wellness Wealthy entrepreneurship  , SME Health Business Healthcare Manage across country , Instructor @ relate University
Director and Team leader in Ministry & Anti aging innovation – Health innovation theme
Health Entrepreneurship-  Health Expertise, Business man & investor