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Health Behavior
Health Behavior Branch aims to conduct independent research on health-related behaviors contributing to global and national public health problems, and research on the development, evaluation, and dissemination of interventions to restructure those problems.
It is designed to provide students with research skills and experience applicable to their thesis. The students should be able to demonstrate their competency in basic health behavior knowledge (i.e. nutrition, physical activity, obesity, alcohol drinking, smoking, substance use, gender-based violence etc.), in specific prevention and intervention areas. In addition, they are enhanced to develop more specialized and in-depth competencies in areas of interest.

About Health Behavior
The Health Behavior Branch is designed for research careers in academic, non-profit, and governmental settings and for leadership roles. Our branch examines the social and behavioral factors associated with health status and behavior and how to develop interventions that promote health, prevent disease, and manage chronic illness. Students will learn the importance of health behavior contributed to current public health problems, ranges of factors that influence behaviors, nutrition, physical activity, obesity, alcohol drinking, smoking, addictive substance abuse, gender-based violence. Concept and theory related to health behavior and risk factors are included.
The students should develop research on health behavior into populations with whom they have worked or will work in the future. They may also conduct research and intervention on violence prevention, alcohol, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS population including developing laboratory techniques in detecting alcohol and substance abuse in body fluid.