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Curriculum Philosophy for Public Health and Public Health Sciences

Curriculum Philosophy for Public Health and Public Health Sciences

"To develop human resources to be morally literate as well as to promote life-long learning for more capability in responding to the needs and in sustainably helping solve the social problems on public health via quality"

"พัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์ให้มีความรู้คู่คุณธรรม และส่งเสริมการเรียนรู้ตลอดชีวิต มีความสามารถในการตอบสนองความต้องการและแก้ไขปัญหาของสังคมในด้านวิทยาศาสตร์สาธารณสุขอย่างมีคุณภาพและยั่งยืน"

International Curriculum Master of Public Health in Public Health

By offering specialties in Public Health and Management, Community and Reproductive Health, Urban and Global Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, the trimester-based program provides a variety of types and duration of study to respond to students’ needs as follow:


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International Curriculum Master of Public Health in Public Health

By offering specialties in Public Health and Management, Community and Reproductive Health, Urban and Global Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, the trimester-based program provides a variety of types and duration of study to respond to students’ needs as follow:


Curriculum Summary

MPH Curriculum Summary

The MPH degree provides students a clear understanding of the roles of the core disciplines in public health. It is a trimester-based program including 5 majors in public health i.e. (1) Health Policy and Management, (2) Community and Reproductive Health, (3) Urban and Global Health, (4) Environmental and Occupational Health, and (5) Health Behaviors. Students seeking the MPH degree must complete 36 credits of academic work with an average grade of "GPA 3.00" or better.


The study plan provides to 2 types: 

(1) Non coursework MPH (Plan A1): students must take only Thesis 36 Credits.

(2) Coursework MPH (Plan A2): students including in house-students and learning at the work place (LWP)-students must take core courses 15 credits, major compulsory courses 6 credits, elective courses 3 credits, and thesis 12 credits. This coursework is distributed as follows:

• 15 CREDITS in core areas of public health: Students in all majors must take the following five courses: Health Problems, Determinants, and Trends 3 credits, Health Systems Development 3 credits, Research Methodology in Public Health 3 credits, Statistics in Public Health Research 3 credits, and Public Health Administration 3 credits. And students in all majors need to enroll the Thesis Seminar with no credit.

• 6 CREDITS of compulsory courses required by the major: Students in all majors must take 6 credits. To determine which courses are required, these courses are distributed by majors as follows:

  • Health Policy and Management: Policy and Strategic Planning and Implementation and Management
  • Community and Reproductive Health: Reproductive Health and Community Assessment 
  • Urban and Global Health: Introduction to Urban and Global Health and Globalization and Contemporary Public Health 
  • Environmental and Occupational Health: Introduction to Environmental Health and Environmental and Health Risk Assessment 
  • Health Behaviors: Health Behavior and Social and Cultural Determinants of Health 

• 3 CREDITS of elective courses: Please refer to advisor and/or program for specific recommended electives such as Directed Studies 3 credits, Field Study 3 credits, Advanced Skills in Science and Research 3 credits etc.

1st Round (Open Semester August)

2nd Round (Open Semester December)


Curriculum Plan

MPH Curriculum Plan 

Course Plan A1 (Credits)  Plan A2 (Credits)  
Core Courses of public health  - 15 
Major Compulsory Courses     -  6
Elective Courses  -  3
Thesis   36  12
Total (Credits)  36  36

Curriculum for the Master of Public Health (MPH) (36 credits)

The coursework students (Plan A2) seeking the MPH degree in any majors must complete 36 credits of academic coursework with an average grade of “GPA 3.00” or better.


Course Requirement

A. Core courses (15 Credits)  

5300501 Health Problems, Determinants, and Trends 

5300505 Health Systems Development 

5300506 Research Methodology in Public Health 

5300507 Statistics in Public Health Research 

5300508 Public Health Administration 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

3 Credits   

3 Credits 

3 Credits 

3 Credits 

3 Credits 

S/U Credit

B. Compulsory Courses for the Major (6 Credits) 

Health Policy and Management

5300503 Policy and Strategic Planning 

5300504 Implementation and Management 


3 Credits

3 Credits

Community and Reproductive Health

5300526 Reproductive Health 

5300527 Community Assessment 


3 Credits

3 Credits

Urban and Global Health

5300528 Introduction to Urban and Global Health 

5300529 Globalization and Contemporary Public Health 


3 Credits  

3 Credits

Environmental Health and Occupational Health

5300538 Introduction to Environmental Health 

5300541 Environmental and Health Risk Assessment 


3 Credits

3 Credit

Health Behaviors

5300544 Health Behavior 

5300545 Social and Cultural Determinants of Health 


3 Credits 

3 Credits

C. Electives Course (3 Credits) 

5300503 Policy and Strategic Planning 

5300504 Implementation and Management 

5300512 Health Development and Change 

5300513 Health Financing 

5300514 Resource Development 

5300515 Seminar in Health Systems Development 

5300521 Fundamental Skills in Sciences and Research 

5300522 Fundamental Skills in Planning and Management 

5300523 Health Services Organization and Management 

5300524 Health Insurance System Management 

5300525 Community Health Development 

5300526 Reproductive Health 

5300527 Community Assessment 

5300528 Introduction to Urban and Global Health 

5300529 Globalization and Contemporary Public Health 

5300530 Global Health Impacts on Drug Use 3 Credits

5300534 Behavioral Science Theories as a Basis for Health Promotion 

5300536 Urban Health 

5300537 Travel Medicine and Public Health 

5300538 Introduction to Environmental Health 

5300539 Environmental and Occupational Health Epidemiology 

5300540 Law and Management of Environmental and Occupational Health 

5300541 Environmental and Health Risk Assessment 

5300542 English for Public Health 

5300543 Sexual Behavior and Socio-cultural Issues in Sexuality and Reproductive Health

5300544 Health Behavior 

5300545 Social and Cultural Determinants of Health 

5300546 Addictive Behavior 

5300547 Health and Social Impact on Addiction 

5300548 Community Based and Individual Intervention 

5300549 Prevention, Intervention and Evaluation of Health Behavior Module 

5300550 Directed Studies 

5300570 Field Study 

5300571 Business Administration in Health

5300670 Practical Study I 

5300572 Medical and Public Health Communication

5300573 Transnationalism and Public Health 

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

4 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

Course Sequence

MPH Course Sequence

The following course sequences are recommended for students enrolled non course work (Plan A1) and FULL-TIME course work (Plan A2) in the MPH program in any major. The course sequences are to be used as a guide, and may be modified to meet individual needs.


Study Plan – Trimester 36 Credits

  • Non coursework (Plan A1) 
1st Semester 

5300816 Thesis

5300893 Thesis Seminar

Total Credits

12  Credits

S/U Credits

12  Credits

2nd Semester 

5300816 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits

12   Credits

S/U Credits

12  Credits

3rd Semester 

5300816 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits 

12  Credits

S/U Credits

12  Credits


  • FULL-TIME coursework (Plan A2)
1st Semester 

5300501 Health Problems, Determinants, and Trends 

5300505 Health Systems Development 

5300506 Research Methodology in Public Health 

5300507 Statistics in Public Health Research 

5300508 Public Health Administration 

Total Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

15 Credits

2nd Semester 

Health Policy and Management

5300503 Policy and Strategic Planning 

5300504 Implementation and Management 

5300xxx Elective Course* 

5300811 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits


3  Credits

3  Credits

3  Credits

3  Credits

S/U Credits

12 Credits 

Community and Reproductive Health

5300526 Reproductive Health 

5300527 Community Assessment 

5300xxx Elective Course* 

5300811 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits


3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

S/U Credits

12 Credits

Urban and Global Health

5300528 Introduction to Urban and Global Health 

5300529 Globalization and Contemporary Public Health 

5300xxx Elective Course* 

5300811 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits


3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

S/U Credits

12 Credits

Environmental Health and Occupational Health

5300538 Introduction to Environmental Health 

5300541 Environmental and Health Risk Assessment 

5300xxx Elective Course* 

5300811 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits


3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

S/U Credits

12 Credits

Health Behaviors

5300544 Health Behavior 

5300545 Social and Cultural Determinants of Health 

5300xxx Elective Course* 

5300811 Thesis 

5300893 Thesis Seminar 

Total Credits


3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

3 Credits

S/U Credits

12 Credits

5300544 Health Behavior 

5300545 Social and Cultural Determinants of Health 

3 Credits

3 Credits

3rd Semester   

5300811 Thesis 

Total Credits

9 Credits

9 Credits