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Program in Public Health Sciences

Through the fields of study in Cannabis and Herbal Science, Chemical and Bimolecular Technology in Health Sciences, Workplace hygiene and safetyInnovative health sciences and wellness:  this in-house, semester-based Program aims at developing and producing high quality academic research in order to contribute the body of knowledge in the field of public health sciences. As a continuous program (M.Sc. and Ph.D. Program), the thesis/dissertation is geared toward special issues of students’ interest.

Master of Public Health Scienes 
Plan A1: 2-year study, 36 credits (Thesis only) 1409
Plan A2: 2-year study, 36 credits (Course work and Thesis) 1410

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Scienes 
Learning at the Workplace (LWP):
Scheme 1.1: 2-year study, 48 credits (Dissertation only) 1411
Scheme 2.1: 3-year study, 48 credits (Course work and Dissertation) 1143
Scheme 1.2: 3.5-year study, 72 credits (Dissertation only, Master’s and Ph.D. Program) 1412
Scheme 2.2: 4-year study, 72 credits (Course work and Dissertation, Master’s and Ph.D. Program) 1414

Branch Information

Cannabis and Herbal Sciences

Cannabis and Herbal Sciences: Cannabis is an addictive and medicinal plant that has long existed in Thai society. In addition, herbal medicines in many countries are used to relieve, cure and treat diseases. Currently, cannabis is being promoted in medical uses which require a system of control, research and innovative development about cannabis to be used for medical uses with high effectiveness.

Knowledge and research in cannabis and herbal sciences are essential for herbal products development. The development of Thai herbal pharmacopoeia is set as a standard for controlling the quality of herbal medicines and is used in a reference for the registration of herbal drugs. This provides consumers with confidence in the quality, efficiency and safety of commercial herbal medicines.

Herbal research with scientific research procedures is critical to improve herbal quality at the laboratory-level, industrial-scale production and the national-level use of herbs. This encourages the expansion of our basic knowledges to increase the potential in competition in the ASEAN community.

Chemical and Bimolecular Technology in Health Sciences

Chemical and Bimolecular Technology in Health Sciences: Chemical technology is the knowledge related to chemical sciences and multidisciplinary applications. This field is important for science and health sciences in design and development of detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on modern chemical tools and technologies in conjunction with knowledge from various fields. For example, the design and development of bioactive chemicals lead to the development of medicines in the future. Design of chemical probes is used for the study of molecular biology problems. The development of biologics relies on structural modifications of biomolecules using chemical approaches.

In addition, biomolecular technology is a life science that is one of the most important fields in biological sciences in the 21st century. The science of molecular biology in this new era which combines with computer science. It transforms purely lab-based science to information science. Recently, the research of this science can apply a variety of benefits to the country's economic development. For example, benefits in medical uses, genomic information, genomics and proteomics of microbes, plants, animals and humans contribute to new discoveries. This leads to creation of new knowledge which is beneficial to the work of researchers around the world to build on the research with understanding about the mechanism of disease.


Workplace Hygiene and Safety

Workplace hygiene and safety: At present, the economic development of the world is in leaps and bounds. Modern technology has been applied to increase productivity in both industrial and agricultural sectors. Although the use of modern technology is to increase production capacity to meet demand and reduce manpower for lowering the production costs. However, the labors are still necessary to some industrial and agricultural sectors, leading to the consideration of welfare and safety of those labors. The workplace therefore needs an expert with knowledge of safety management in terms of physicality, working environments, dust, chemicals and workers’ health.

The role of hygiene and safety officers in the workplace must be aware of the dangers posed by the operation. Environmental monitoring is carried out to assess potentially dangerous risks as well as proper preventive and control management so that operators are not harmed.

These cognitive are essential to be systematically studied and practiced by experts in each field. Focusing on the whole study of theory in the classroom, laboratory research and education in real-world workplaces, this systematic study is conducted. It complies with the regulations of the Scientific and Technological Professions Council on the profession of science and technology, regulated in both environmental health and occupational health and safety.

Innovative Health Sciences and Wellness

Innovative health sciences and wellness: At present, the health industry, both regional and global, is expanding rapidly. This is because today's global society is fully digitalized. The lifestyle of the people changes with the times. Health-related businesses or activities, caring for the complete happiness of holistic health including physical, emotional, intellectual and social, have become increasingly popular and interested. As a result, public sector, private sector, small entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in large businesses as well as consumers are turning their attention to innovative and wellness products, and services. In addition, herbal pharmaceutical products in many groups are increasing such as Food and Beverage, Vitamins and Supplements, Active Nutrition, Nutrition Technology, Athleisure and Connected Apparel, Sleep, Mental Wellness, Beauty and Personal Care, Travel and Hospitality, Feminine Care, Functional Health and e-Commerce. Therefore, the presence of innovation and health sciences is significant to support the changes in today's society which respond to the health market.


erbal sciences #Herbalsciences
สมุนไพร, วิทยาศาสตร์สมุนไพร,ผลิตภัณฑ์ธรรมชาติ, การแพทย์แผนไทย, การแพทย์ทางเลือก มาตรฐานสมุนไพร, พฤกษเคมี , ฤทธิ์ทางชีวภาพ, น้ำมันหอมระเหย
(Herbs, Medicinal plants, Herbal sciences, Natural products, Traditional Thai medicine, Alternative medicine, Standardization of herbal medicines, Phytochemistry, Biological activity, Essential oils)


แขนง Biomolecular technology #Biomolecular technology
เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ, มาลาเรีย, โรคติดเชื้อ, สารพันธุกรรม, ชีวโมเลกุล, สารออกฤทธิ์ทางชีวภาพ, สารชีวโมเลกุล, การปรับเปลี่ยนโปรตีน
(Biomolecular technology, Malaria, Infectious diseases, DNA, Molecular Biology, Bioactive compounds, Biomolecules, Protein modifications)